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UX and web projects


my name is Agnese, and I've been  working on web design (from concept to creation) for almost 5 years now. 


These are some of my latest works, 11 in total and one is in development stage. In every one of them, UX concerns were of the upmost importance.


When you're developing real sites, sometimes the approach and work phases are quite different just as we were taught.

Depending on the client, the process can vary wildly, and the design phases are improved in close collaboration with the client on daily basis onsite. With this approach it is possible to integrate the clients wishes and needs faster.

Please click on the link and check results for yourself. And yes, I created my website as well. Don't hesitate to check out my photography.

HERE is my professional resume, and HERE you can learn more about me.

Some visual details about projects you can find here.

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